
Frontiers in Neuroscience


These are historical times for brain research - namely for the Brain itself. The convergence of novel molecular and optical techniques paves the way to the era of "causation neuroscience," whereby many thousands of cells composing the system studied can be recorded from and manipulated in a very specific manner (e.g. via "optogenetics") and the behavioral and functional consequences of these manipulations explored in vivo. It is also a new era of "anatomical neuroscience" - as recently developed techniques, both at the whole-brain level ("connectome") and the local circuit and synaptic level ("connectomics") become more widely used. These approaches allow us to link structure of specific brain regions and local circuits to function more astutely. New research fields have recently emerged, e.g. "neuroeconomics" and "neuroenergetics." In addition, and critically, in our information-generating world, new informatics-based methods are being developed to store the enormous amount of new “big data” in a systematic manner, for data-preservation, data-mining and for extracting key information from these data. And, importantly, theoretical and computational approaches are being developed for integrating this diverse data and for deriving principles of brain operations that may otherwise lie hidden within the intricacies of brain circuits.
As the field is growing fast, we seek to integrate and cross-link studies and citations in related subfields, providing an overview of the state-of-the-art in these fields and the ways in which they complement each other. After all, we may each of us look at the brain from particular standpoints - all the way from "genes to behavior" - yet the brain integrates all these levels seamlessly; this journal should reflect this in the best possible way.
《神经科学前沿》是该领域的领先期刊,在广泛的专业和学科领域发表经过同行评审严格的研究。耶路撒冷希伯来大学的现场总编辑Idan Segev得到了杰出的国际研究人员编辑委员会的支持。这本多学科的开放获取期刊位于向全世界的研究人员,学者,临床医生和公众传播和交流科学知识和有意义的发现的最前沿。
这是大脑研究的历史时期,即大脑本身。新颖的分子和光学技术的融合为“因果神经科学”时代的发展铺平了道路,由此可以以非常特定的方式(例如,通过“光遗传学”)记录和操纵组成研究系统的成千上万个细胞,并进行行为控制。体内探索这些操作的功能后果。这也是“解剖神经科学”的新时代-随着近来发展起来的技术,在全脑水平(“连接组”)以及局部回路和突触水平(“连接组”)都得到了更广泛的应用。这些方法使我们能够将特定大脑区域的结构和局部回路联系起来,以更加机敏地运行。最近出现了新的研究领域,例如 “神经经济学”和“神经能量学”。此外,至关重要的是,在我们的信息生成世界中,正在开发基于信息学的新方法,以系统方式存储大量新的“大数据”,以用于数据保存,数据挖掘和提取关键信息。从这些数据。而且,重要的是,正在开发理论和计算方法,以整合这些多样化的数据并推导可能隐藏在复杂的大脑回路中的大脑操作原理。数据挖掘以及从这些数据中提取关键信息。而且,重要的是,正在开发理论和计算方法,以整合这些多样化的数据并推导可能隐藏在复杂的大脑回路中的大脑操作原理。数据挖掘以及从这些数据中提取关键信息。而且,重要的是,正在开发理论和计算方法,以整合这些多样化的数据并推导可能隐藏在复杂的大脑回路中的大脑操作原理。
全名/缩写 FRONT NEUROSCI-SWITZ/Frontiers in Neuroscience
期刊ISSN 1662-453X
2022-2023影响因子 4.300 实时影响因子查询 (由greensci.net提供-2019 New!)
最新自引率 4.70
期刊官方网站 http://journal.frontiersin.org/journal/neuroscience
是否OA开放访问 Yes
出版年份 0
中科院JCR分区 大类:2区小类:3区
SCI期刊coverage Science Citation Index Expanded


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