
Therapeutic Advances in Endocrinology and Metabolism


The editors welcome original research articles across all areas of endocrinology and metabolic disease. The journal publishes original research articles and review articles primarily. Original research manuscripts may include laboratory, animal or human/clinical studies - all phases. Letters to the Editor and Case Reports will also be considered. Review articles include expert opinion/perspective reviews (including single-drug and drug class reviews), narrative reviews and therapeutic area reviews. Systematic reviews, meta-analyses, postmarketing and health economic and pharmacoeconomic reviews are also welcomed. The appropriate EQUATOR Network reporting guidelines should be followed (e.g. CONSORT for randomized, controlled trials and PRISMA for systematic reviews/meta-analyses). The journal endorses the ICMJE requirement that clinical trials are registered in a WHO-approved public trials registry at or before the time of first patient enrolment. The journal adheres to a blind review process in which the reviewer's name is routinely withheld from the author unless the reviewer requests a preference for their identity to be revealed. Manuscripts are reviewed by at least two referees; a first editorial decision is generally reached within 3 weeks of submission and Online First publication is usually within 3 weeks of Acceptance.

内分泌和代谢治疗的进展为内分泌和代谢疾病的医学治疗方面的开创性努力和创新研究提供了最高质量的同行评审开放获取的原始研究文章,评论和学术评论。该杂志的重点是临床和药理学,面向内分泌学,糖尿病医学和相关学科的国际临床医生和研究人员,提供了一个在线论坛,以快速传播该领域的最新研究和观点。 编辑们欢迎内分泌学和代谢疾病各个领域的原创研究文章。 该期刊主要发表原创研究文章和评论文章。原始研究手稿可能包括实验室,动物或人类/临床研究-所有阶段。还将考虑给编辑的信和案例报告。 评论文章包括专家意见/观点评论(包括单药和药物类别评论),叙述评论和治疗领域评论。也欢迎进行系统评价,荟萃分析,上市后以及健康经济和药物经济学评价。应当遵循适当的EQUATOR网络报告指南(例如,CONSORT用于随机对照试验,PRISMA用于系统评价/元分析)。该杂志赞同ICMJE的要求,即在首次入组患者之时或之前,必须在WHO批准的公共试验注册中心注册临床试验。 期刊遵循盲目审阅程序,在审阅过程中,除非审稿人要求优先透露自己的身份,否则审稿人的姓名会定期从作者处隐瞒。稿件至少由两名裁判审阅;通常会在提交后3周内做出第一笔编辑决定,而在线第一出版物通常在接受后3周内做出决定。。
全名/缩写 /Therapeutic Advances in Endocrinology and Metabolism
期刊ISSN 2042-0188
2022-2023影响因子 3.800 实时影响因子查询 (由greensci.net提供-2019 New!)
最新自引率 0.00
出版年份 0
中科院JCR分区 大类:小类:
SCI期刊coverage Science Citation Index Expanded(科学引文索引扩展)


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