


World Journal of Gastroenterology (WJG, World J Gastroenterol) is a high-quality, online, open-access, single-blind peer-reviewed journal published by the Baishideng Publishing Group (BPG). WJG accepts both solicited and unsolicited manuscripts. Articles published in WJG are high-quality, basic and clinical, influential research articles by established academic authors as well as new researchers. The paramount objective of WJG is to showcase and promote distinguished research in the field of gastroenterology and hepatology, to help advance development of this field. The types of articles published in WJG include Editorial, Opinion Review, Frontier, Review, Minireview, Basic Study, Clinical Research, Systematic Review, Meta-analysis, Evidence-based Medicine, Field of Vision, Clinical Guidelines, Letter to the Editor, and Case Report. The primary aim of WJG is to provide scholars and readers from various fields of gastroenterology and hepatology with a platform to publish high-quality basic and clinical research articles and communicate their research findings online. In order to ensure the quality, timeliness, fairness, and transparency of publication, WJG has implemented a variety of measures as follows: First, authors must prepare their articles according to the appropriate international publication recommendations, including the STROBE Statement, CONSORT 2010 Statement, PRISMA 2009 Checklist, and CARE Checklist – 2016: Information for writing a case report. Second, articles published in WJG must undergo rigorous cross- international peer review. WJG peer reviewers come from different countries, chosen independently by artificial intelligence technique or our editorial office, and not by the authors, to ensure fairness and integrity of the peer review. Third, designation of co-first authors and/or co-corresponding authors is not permitted. Fourth, WJG accepts a manuscript for publication based on its novelty, innovativeness, data accuracy, image reliability, clear language expression, and ethical requirements. Of note, peer reviewers are advised to complete their peer review within 7 days, providing a comprehensive evaluation of the scientific and linguistic quality of the manuscript. Fifth, BPG adopts a 7-day publishing management policy. This means that each step of the publishing process, including manuscript preview, peer review, manuscript revision by authors, final acceptance, language editing, and production, and release, must be completed within 7 days. Finally, the peer review report, author’s response to the peer review report, biostatistics review certificate, copyright license agreement, institutional ethics committee approval document, informed consent document(s), conflict-of-interest statement, CrossCheck detection report, authors’ personal ORCID numbers, funding information, language editing certificate, and other relevant documents will be published online along with the article to allow for an open and transparent publishing process.

《世界胃肠病学杂志》(WJG,World J Gastroenterol)是由百世登出版集 团(BPG)出版的高质量,在线,开放获取,单盲同行评审期刊。WJG接受征 集和未经请求的手稿。WJG上发表的文章是由知名学术作者和新研究人员撰写 的高质量,基础和临床有影响力的研究文章。WJG的首要目标是展示和促进胃 肠病学和肝病学领域的杰出研究,以帮助推动该领域的发展。WJG发表的文章 类型包括社论,观点审查,前沿,审查,小型审查,基础研究,临床研究, 系统综述,荟萃分析,循证医学,视野,临床指南,致编辑的信和病例报告 。 目的 WJG的主要目的是为胃肠病学和肝病学的各个领域的学者和读者提供一个平台 ,以发表高质量的基础和临床研究文章并在线交流其研究结果。为了确保出 版物的质量,及时性,公正性和透明度,WJG采取了以下各种措施: 首先,作者必须根据适当​​的国际出版物建议来准备文章,包括STROBE声明, CONSORT 2010声明,PRISMA 2009核对表和CARE核对表– 2016:撰写病例报 告的信息。 其次,在WJG发表的文章必须经过严格的跨国际同行评审。WJG同行审稿人来 自不同国家,是由人工智能技术或我们的编辑部独立选择的,而不是由作者 选择的,以确保同行审阅的公正性和完整性。 第三,不允许指定共同第一作者和/或共同通讯作者。 第四,WJG接受其新颖性,创新性,数据准确性,图像可靠性,清晰的语言表 达和道德要求的手稿。 值得注意的是,建议同行评审者在7天内完成同行评审,以对手稿的科学和语 言质量进行全面评估。 第五,BPG采用7天的发布管理政策。这意味着发布过程的每个步骤,包括手 稿预览,同行评审,作者的手稿修订,最终验收,语言编辑以及制作和发布 ,都必须在7天内完成。 最后,同行评审报告,作者对同行评审报告的回应,生物统计学评审证书, 版权许可协议,机构伦理委员会批准文件,知情同意文件,利益冲突声明, CrossCheck检测报告,作者个人ORCID号,资金信息,语言编辑证书和其他相 关文档将与文章一起在线发布,以允许公开透明的发布过程。。
期刊ISSN 1007-9327
2022-2023影响因子 4.300 实时影响因子查询 (由greensci.net提供-2019 New!)
最新自引率 3.90
期刊官方网站 http://www.wjgnet.com/
是否OA开放访问 Yes
出版年份 1997
中科院JCR分区 大类:3区小类:3区
SCI期刊coverage Science Citation Index Expanded
审稿速度(网友添加,非官方) 平均2.4月


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