
Journal of Mental Health


《精神卫生杂志》是有关精神卫生领域最新研究的国际论坛。该杂志覆盖65个国家/地区,报道了全球最佳循证实践,并为从事精神卫生研究与实践的众多学科之间提供了交流渠道。该杂志鼓励多学科研究,并欢迎涉及精神卫生服务使用者的贡献。 国际编辑团队致力于从各种来源和理论角度寻找出色的作品。该杂志不仅反映了当前的良好做法,而且还旨在通过报道挑战传统工作方式的创新来影响政策。我们致力于发布高质量,发人深省的工作,这些工作将直接影响服务提供和临床实践。 《心理健康杂志》以原创研究论文为特色,介绍了心理健康领域在治疗和护理方面的重要发展。如果理论论文,评论和评论对当前的知识有实质性的贡献,也可以被接受。

The Journal of Mental Health is an international forum for the latest research in the mental health field. Reaching over 65 countries, the journal reports on the best in evidence-based practice around the world and provides a channel of communication between the many disciplines involved in mental health research and practice. The journal encourages multi-disciplinary research and welcomes contributions that have involved the users of mental health services. The international editorial team are committed to seeking out excellent work from a range of sources and theoretical perspectives. The journal not only reflects current good practice but also aims to influence policy by reporting on innovations that challenge traditional ways of working. We are committed to publishing high-quality, thought-provoking work that will have a direct impact on service provision and clinical practice. The Journal of Mental Health features original research papers on important developments in the treatment and care in the field of mental health. Theoretical papers, reviews and commentaries are also accepted if they contribute substantially to current knowledge.。
全名/缩写 /Journal of Mental Health
期刊ISSN 0963-8237
2022-2023影响因子 0 实时影响因子查询 (由greensci.net提供-2019 New!)
最新自引率 0.00
出版年份 0
中科院JCR分区 大类:小类:
SCI期刊coverage Science Citation Index Expanded(科学引文索引扩展)


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