
Cancer Management and Research


《癌症管理与研究》是一本国际性的,经过同行评审的开放访问期刊,其重点是癌症研究以及对预防和综合治疗干预措施的最佳使用,以改善癌症患者的预后,提高生存率和生活质量。该期刊涵盖的具体主题包括: 流行病学,检测和筛选 细胞研究和生物标志物 鉴定具有新作用机制的生物靶标和药物 最佳地利用现有的抗癌药,包括联合疗法 放射和手术 姑息治疗 ◦ 姑息治疗◦患者的依从性,生活质量,满意度 该期刊欢迎提交的论文涵盖原始研究,基础科学,临床和流行病学研究,评论与评估,指南,专家意见和评论,以及对疾病或亚型有新见解的案例系列。 在考虑利用公开可用的数据(例如SEER / GWAS / TCGA / GEO等)提交论文时,作者应确保此类研究显着增加有关特定疾病或相关表型的知识,并通过以下方式进行验证:通过在独立的样本集中复制和进行功能跟踪,作者的数据。生物信息学研究也应符合这些标准。 自2019年3月18日起,《癌症管理与研究》将不再考虑进行荟萃分析以发表论文。

Cancer Management and Research is an international, peer reviewed, open access journal focusing on cancer research and the optimal use of preventative and integrated treatment interventions to achieve improved outcomes, enhanced survival, and quality of life for cancer patients. Specific topics covered in the journal include: ◦Epidemiology, detection and screening ◦Cellular research and biomarkers ◦Identification of biotargets and agents with novel mechanisms of action ◦Optimal clinical use of existing anticancer agents, including combination therapies ◦Radiation and surgery ◦Palliative care ◦Patient adherence, quality of life, satisfaction The journal welcomes submitted papers covering original research, basic science, clinical & epidemiological studies, reviews & evaluations, guidelines, expert opinion and commentary, and case series that shed novel insights on a disease or disease subtype. When considering submission of a paper utilizing publicly-available data (e.g. SEER/GWAS/TCGA/GEO etc.), authors should ensure that such studies add significantly to the body of knowledge about a specific disease or relevant phenotype and that they are validated using the authors’ own data through replication in an independent sample set and functional follow-up. Bioinformatics studies should also conform to these criteria. As of 18th March 2019, Cancer Management and Research will no longer consider meta-analyses for publication.。
全名/缩写 CANCER MANAG RES/Cancer Management and Research
期刊ISSN 1179-1322
2022-2023影响因子 3.300 实时影响因子查询 (由greensci.net提供-2019 New!)
最新自引率 5.20
是否OA开放访问 No
出版年份 0
中科院JCR分区 大类:2区小类:3区


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