
Annals of Palliative Medicine


Annals of Palliative Medicine (Ann Palliat Med; Print ISSN 2224-5820; Online ISSN 2224-5839) is an open access, international, peer-reviewed journal published bi-monthly with both online and printed copies (quarterly published from Apr. 2012 - Jul. 2019). It is indexed in PubMed/MEDLINE in 2015, Scopus in 2016 and Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) in 2019. The SCIE impact factor 2018 for APM is 1.262. The aim of the journal is to provide up-to-date and cutting-edge information and professional support for health care providers in palliative medicine disciplines to improve the quality of life for patients and their families and caregivers. Annals of Palliative Medicine publishes articles in the field of palliative medicine, specific fields related to symptoms management (pain, fatigue, vomiting, delirium, etc.), palliative medicine in different diseases (cancer, AIDS, and other diseases), palliative care in elderly and young, and end-of-life health care, etc., and provides current and practical information on palliative medicine. Contributions pertinent to palliative medicine are also included from related disciplines of oncology, psychology, surgery, nursing, public health, education, nutrition, sociology, ethics and policy, and others. It publishes article types including Original Articles, Review Articles, Case Reports, Clinical Guidelines, Technical Notes, and Editorials. It also publishes special issues focusing on selected topics of palliative medicine. The journal features a distinguished editorial board, which brings together a team of highly experienced specialists in palliative medicine. The diverse experience of the board members allows our editorial panel to lend their expertise to a broad spectrum of palliative medicine subjects. The entire submission and review process are managed through OJS system, an easy-to-use electronic system that ensures a rapid turnaround of manuscripts submitted for publication. Information for Authors APM is a member of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and follows the ICMJE recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journal and the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)'s guidelines. Manuscripts submitted must be the original work of the author(s) and must not be published previously or under consideration for publication elsewhere。
(Ann Palliat Med);印刷ISSN 2224-5820;在线ISSN 2224-5839)是一种开放存取的,国际同行评审的期刊,每两月出版一次,在线和印刷本同时发行(每季度于2012年4月出版- 2019年7月)。它在2015年的PubMed / MEDLINE,2016年的Scopus和 2019年的科学引文索引扩展(SCIE)中被索引。2018年对APM的SCIE影响因子是1.262。该杂志的目的是为姑息医学领域的卫生保健提供者提供最新和最前沿的信息以及专业支持,以改善患者及其家人和护理人员的生活质量。 姑息医学年鉴 在姑息医学领域,与症状管理(疼痛,疲劳,呕吐,del妄等)有关的特定领域,不同疾病(癌症,艾滋病和其他疾病)的姑息医学,老年人和年轻人的姑息治疗,和临终医疗保健等,并提供有关姑息医学的最新信息和实用信息。与姑息医学有关的贡献也包括肿瘤,心理学,外科,护理,公共卫生,教育,营养,社会学,伦理学和政策等相关学科。它发布文章类型,包括原始文章,评论文章,病例报告,临床指南,技术说明和社论。它还出版了针对姑息医学选定主题的特殊问题。 该期刊设有一个杰出的编辑委员会,汇集了一支由姑息医学经验丰富的专家组成的团队。董事会成员的丰富经验使我们的编辑小组可以将其专业知识应用于广泛的姑息医学学科。整个提交和审阅过程通过OJS系统进行管理,OJS系统是一种易于使用的电子系统,可确保快速处理提交出版的手稿。 给作者的信息 APM是国际医学期刊编辑委员会(ICMJE)的成员,并遵循ICMJE有关医学期刊学术工作的进行,报告,编辑和出版的建议以及出版道德委员会(COPE)的指南。

全名/缩写 /Ann Palliat Med
期刊ISSN 2224-5820
2022-2023影响因子 1.262 实时影响因子查询 (由greensci.net提供-2019 New!)
最新自引率 0.00
期刊官方网站 http://apm.amegroups.com/
AME Publishing Company
出版年份 0
中科院JCR分区 大类:小类:
SCI期刊coverage Science Citation Index Expanded(科学引文索引扩展)
审稿速度(网友添加,非官方) 较快。


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